Inside Information Platform
Elia Group Inside Information Platform (Elia Group IIP) is a listed Inside Information Platform in ACER Registry. From 1 January 2021, market participants must report their inside information according to REMIT Regulation (EU) No. 1227/2011 to ACER via an Inside Information Platform.
Useful links
UMM Unavailabilities of electricity facilities
UMM Other market information
Active status
Inactive status
Dismissed status
Transmission unavailability
Production unavailability
Consumption unavailability
Other unavailability
Planned unavailability
Unplanned unavailability
Active status
Inactive status
Dismissed status
Affected Asset or UnitThe official name of the generation or production unit, consumption unit, transmission, or other electricity asset.
Affected Asset or Unit EIC CodeThis field identifies the affected asset or unit by its EIC code. It includes the EIC W, T or Z code of the facility that is unavailable.
Available CapacityThe field ‘Available capacity’ measures the capacity of the facility concerned that will not be affected by the event, i.e.: the capacity that will remain available.
Bidding ZoneThe field ‘Bidding Zone’ provides the identification of the bidding zone(s) where the affected asset or unit is located using the EIC Y coding schema on the areas for inter System Operator data interchange.
Event Start
The field ‘Event start’ describes the expected (if future) or actual (if past) starting time and date of the relevant event. This field together with the ‘Event stop’ field allows the knowledge of the timeframe of the event and the assessment of its potential impact on wholesale energy prices.
The timezone on the dashboard is presented on local time, while the timezone in the 'Export' files are presented on UTC time.
Event Status
The field ‘Event Status’ allows the distinction between UMMs that contain the most recent information on an event and can still influence trading decisions, and UMMs that are already outdated or that were updated:
- ‘Active’ refers to a UMM that contains the most recent update on an event that will occur in the future or is occurring.
- ‘Dismissed’ refers to a UMM that is not valid anymore due to the fact that it was cancelled, withdrawn or updated in the meantime.
- ‘Inactive’ is used for UMMs containing the most recent update on an event that already occurred in the past.
Event Stop
The field ‘Event stop’ describes the estimated (if future) or actual (if past) time and date at which the relevant event stops(ed). This field together with the ‘Event start’ field provides the timeframe of the event and the assessment of its potential impact on wholesale energy prices.
The timezone on the dashboard is presented on local time, while the timezone in the 'Export' files are presented on UTC time.
Fuel TypeThe field ‘Fuel Type’ gives additional information on the source of energy used by the production or generation unit concerned.
Installed CapacityThe field ‘Installed capacity’ measures the nominal generating/transmission/consumption capacity. It is the maximum electrical active power/ energy interchange the facility can produce/transmit /consume continuously throughout a long period of operation in normal conditions, under relevant security standards.
Market ParticipantThe official name of the market participant(s) that falls under the obligation of Article 4 of REMIT, regarding the specific event.
Market Participant EIC CodeThis field identifies the market participant by its EIC code obtained while registering in accordance with Article 9 of Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011.
Message IDThis field aims to capture the identifier of the message issued by the market participant or by someone acting on its behalf.
Publication date/time
The field ‘Publication date/time’ defines the point in time when the inside information was disclosed to the public though the UMM.
The timezone on the dashboard is presented on local time, while the timezone in the 'Export' files are presented on UTC time.
Reason of the unavailabilityThe field ‘Reason of the unavailability’ provides an explanation on the cause(s) of the unavailability.
RemarksThe field ‘Remarks’ provides more detailed information on the event that allows a full understanding of its potential impact on wholesale energy prices. This field must be used when submitting the ‘Other market information’ schema in order to provide an explanation on the reason(s) for the message.
Type of Unavailability
The field ‘Type of unavailability’ indicates whether the unavailability was planned or not sorting the messages into two main types that may have different timeframes and implications on the markets.
- “Planned unavailability” means a programmed change in capacity (for example: a maintenance, seasonal closing, etc.).
- “Unplanned unavailability” means a not programed change in capacity (for example: an outage, forced limitation).
Type of Event
The ‘Type of event’ details the subject of the unavailability.
- ‘Production unavailability’ is used to report the unavailability of generation and production unit(s).
- ‘Transmission unavailability’ refers to the unavailability of the transmission infrastructure.
- ‘Consumption unavailability’ refers to the unavailability of electricity consumption unit(s).
- ‘Other unavailability’ covers other types such as electric power storage unavailability etc.
Unavailable CapacityThe field ‘Unavailable capacity’ measures the capacity of the facility concerned that is affected by the event, i.e.: the capacity that will be unavailable due to the event.
Unit of measurementThe unit of measurement used for fields Unavailable Capacity, Available Capacity and Installed capacity.
VersionThis is the version of the UMM for an specific event.
The latest version is published on the dashboard and prior version are accessible by clicking on latest version.