21 May 2019
Shareholders’ Meeting approves the 2018 financial results, the dividend pay-out and authorised capital
Today, Elia held its Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders. Shareholders approved all items on the agenda.
The Extraordinary General Meeting that was held immediately after it, authorised the Board of Directors to increase the capital of Elia by a maximum amount of €435,000,000 (including issuance premium), by way of a public offering with preference rights for the shareholders.

L’Assemblée Générale des actionnaires approuve les résultats financiers de 2018, la distribution du dividende et le capital autorisé
Algemene Vergadering van aandeelhouders keurt financiële resultaten 2018 goed alsook het uit te keren dividend en het toegestaan kapitaal
Shareholders’ Meeting approves the 2018 financial results, the dividend pay-out and authorised capital