14 May 2021
Thirty companies selected for second round of tests in IO.Energy ecosystem to work on new energy services
Some 30 companies from various industries will test out new energy services as part of the Internet of Energy (IO.Energy).
IO.Energy is an ecosystem of market players working together on new consumer-centric services. Five projects which successfully underwent the workshop phase are now being moved onto the pilot phase. The projects involve electric mobility, local energy communities, green tracking and grid support services.
- IO.Energy facilitated by Belgian system operators
- Ecosystem open to all market players so they can develop consumer-centric energy services
- 30 companies involved in five different projects
- Projects now entering sandboxing phase for testing under real conditions

Press releases
Thirty companies selected for second round of tests in IO.Energy ecosystem to work on new energy services
30 entreprises sélectionnées pour la deuxième phase de test dans l'écosystème IO.Energy pour travailler sur de nouveaux services énergétiques
Dertig bedrijven geselecteerd voor tweede testronde in het IO.Energy ecosysteem om te werken aan nieuwe energiediensten